Ethics Statement and Terms and Conditions

As a member of The Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI) and an Associate of The International Tarot Foundation (ITF) I am very happy to adhere to the highest standards of Tarot reading. These are set out in the TABI and ITF websites and are adapted, added to and reproduced here.

These terms apply to all services purchased from and provided by '' and Miranda Ellis-Jacobs. All purchases are made on the basis of these terms.

  • Practical Tarot readings are in complete confidence between the client and the reader.

  • Readings aim to help the client to take charge of their own life.

  • Clients will be treated equally and with respect.

  • Readings will be open-minded, honest and non-judgmental.

  • Readings will never leave you feeling frightened, upset or feeling there is no way forward in your situation.

  • If appropriate, I will suggest that clients consult a qualified professional. (e.g. health or legal professional).

  • I will not give readings about health, pregnancy, financial investments or legal matters.

  • I am not a medium or a psychic – I cannot communicate with the dead and I do not read minds.

  • When a fee is due, the amount will be agreed prior to the reading.

  • If you need clarification after an email reading, I will answer at least one follow-up question.

  • All readings come with a 30 day money back guarantee if you are not 100% happy with your reading.

  • If at any time I feel unable to complete a reading, I will tell you immediately and explain my reasons.

  • Readings will not knowingly be given to clients aged under 18 years.

  • Readings cannot be given about anyone other than the client, and questions relating to others (e.g. third parties, such as partners, family members, colleagues, etc.) will be re-phrased or declined.

  • I will not be held responsible for any decision, action or lack of made by a client after a reading with me. Practical Tarot means that you take full responsibility for the choices and actions which shape and create your future.

Practical Tarot Privacy and Cookies Statement

As you may be aware, there are changes to data protection under the European General Data Protection (GDPR) which came into force in May 2018. This means that your data is protected even more stringently than before, even by small businesses such as Practical Tarot. The information below describes our legal obligation regarding looking after any data relating to you.


Practical Tarot (“We/Us/Our”) will use our best efforts to ensure that the personal information you submit to us is kept private and confidential and only used for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement. By continuing to use this website you consent to us processing personal information supplied by you as explained in this Privacy Statement.

Information About Visitors (“General Information”)

When visitors come to our website, we log the user’s IP address which is automatically recognised by our web server.


Unless you have indicated your objection by refusing them when you first visited our website, our system will issue cookies to your computer when you visit this site. Cookies are small pieces (files) of information regarding your browsing habits (“General Information”) that are stored on your computer. They are NOT used to identify you personally.

Cookies can make it easier for you to log on to and use the site during future visits. They also allow us to monitor website traffic and may be used to customise the site for you.

You should have the ability to accept or decline cookies (although some employers may restrict this ability on their computers). Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can choose to modify your browser settings to decline all cookies, or to notify you each time a cookie is offered and allow you to accept or decline cookies on an individual basis.

If you choose to decline cookies, however, that may hinder performance and negatively impact your experience here but should not prevent you from using and enjoying our website.

Disclosure of Your Information

The information you provide to us will be held on our computers in the UK and the EU and may be accessed by or given to our staff working outside the UK and third parties who act for us for the purposes set out in this Statement or for other purposes approved by you. Those parties process information and provide support services on our behalf. We may also pass aggregate information on the usage of our site to third parties but this will not include information that can be used to identify you.

Countries outside the European Union do not always have strong data protection laws. However, we will always take steps to ensure that your information is used by third parties in accordance with this Statement.

Unless required to do so by law, we will not otherwise share, sell or distribute any of the information you provide to us without your consent.


We make best efforts to ensure that all information held relating to you is kept up-to-date, accurate and complete. In this regard, we also rely on you to notify us if your information requires updating or deleting. We will respond to requests from you to update or delete your information in an efficient and timely manner.


If You have any questions or comments about our Privacy Statement, please contact us at and we will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.

In accordance with UK Law I must state that tarot readings are for entertainment purposes only.